Geology, Exploration And Resources


Geology, Exploration And Resources

The high risks and costs associated with mineral exploration demands prudent and efficient management of exploration procedures.

K-3 resources provides a multi-faceted approach from grassroots exploration through to feasibility studies and mine design by integrating effective cost cutting and rapid turn-around time of projects.

Our expects are highly skilled in managing large soil sampling programs, geological and regolith mapping, structural and lithological core logging and provide technical competence in target generation and controls on mineralization and orebody delineation.

We provide cost effective management of drilling programs, open pit and underground mapping, ore reserve modeling, safety reviews, and technical audits, QAQC reporting and independent technical reports of projects.

We offer a reliable and well-structured practical courses for mineral industry professionals in exploration and mining as well as other related services.


K-3 Resources West Africa limited is a service provider that aims at bridging gaps between international potential investment and local possibilities. Continue Reading

Contact US

- Weija SCC, Block D15, Accra -